I am not where I was 15 weeks ago where the definition of methods was that little fuzzy thing you kind of see in your eye that you can’t even quite catch. BUT I am still working through my own definition. Today I am trying on “Methods are the tools that we use to build our theoretical frameworks and methodology is how we use those tools.” Some tools I am applying to my project are (including but not limited to): Tool #1: Subjectivity/Intuition Phillip Brian Harper’s argument of subjectivity in “The Evidence of Felt Intuition: Minority Experience, Everyday Life, and …
Month: May 2022
Kayla’s Project
My key texts and my theoretical framework(s) are: decolonial feminism as defined by Maria Lugones, and Black feminist epistemology as discussed by Patricia Hill Collins. Lugones presents decolonial feminism as a method for challenging the hierarchical, dichotomous categorisations produced by the colonial project rooted in theft, extractivism, racial capitalism and white supremacy. Lugones suggests that the move toward a decolonial feminism as a practice, is a coalitionist project of resistance. “It is movement toward coalition that impels us to know each other as selves that are thick, in relation, in alternative socialites, and grounded in tense, creative inhabitations of colonial …
Kelly’s Project
Key texts and my theoretical framework: This research paper will incorporate legal journals and quantitative research to ground qualitative research, stories, and reports of domestic violence and reproductive coercion. The law is always struggling, at best, and failing to adequately protect victims of intimate partner violence, and this extends to reproductive coercion and newly-criminalized sex crimes like stealthing. The legal journals and writings come from attorneys and law professors who see where the laws currently come up short, why it is hard to create new and effective legal protections, and predictions based on legal precedent and their experience in the …